Arianna Shalee

Self contentment, peace, and living in ones purpose was and is priority when navigating life, so she quit her job to change the world….to become the artist her brother needed, an artist the world wants.
“The most courageous and scariest decision I ever made was to step out on faith and fortify my purpose”
“Where is she from!?”
The LAnd, raised in Los Angeles native, by way of Compton, Arianna loved Duke's (her dad) charming wit and beautiful vocals . Pops is cheering from heaven above, keeping her grounded and humble! Homage to her family, Compton, Inglewood, and South Central; the foundation of WEST$IDE LOVE STORY!
Now we have “Berly”, mother and life executive to Arianna Shalee. Her love for seeing her children utilize their talents has finally taken off! Mother’s Day 2018 was a pivotal moment for the family. Berly requested Ari sing “Isn’t She Lovely” by Mr. Wonder himself and for Dom, brother to Arianna Shalee and prodigal genius, play the keys under the song; being that Berly made this request every year, Ari decided to spice it up! Dom orchestrated a beautiful remix of the song and in that moment, Arianna Shalee discovered the beginning layers of high level production. They have been making their marks in music since.
“WEST$IDE LOVE$TORY”….. a story that displays excellence in R&B and the LA culture.
Remember how this project makes you feel…..and enjoy.